Praise and Gratitude to the presence of Allah SWT.Thank you YDBXPI-YB-Land DX Passion Is for the YBDXPI New Star Award. Especially to YE1AR, Mr. Budi Santoso who has helped me a lot. Likewise for YC4PKS, my brother Three Rahmad Taufik and YC4RWH, OM Syahady (Ady), who have provided me with a lot of support. Hopefully this award can be a motivation for me and all ORARI members, especially fellow Local ORARI members, Rejang Lebong YH4MC. Also thanks to YD9AZN I Wayan Suardita as the sponsor, hopefully the Almighty God will always give you health and blessings… thank you and 73Sincerely, YC4MGA

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