Life as an amateur radio forDXing offers so many complexly appealing moments that two challenging activity (Digital & phone mode) it may be equally beautiful for different reasons and at different times, in order to fit my first 100 DXCC accomplishment..
I give my gratitude to YE1AR & YBDXPI who give me the opportunity, YB1DNF, YB1ELP, YC1LHI who give me the spark for DX ing, 4DX spirits family (YF1AJH, YF1AJE, YF1AJG, YB1AYO, YF1AAH, YC1BTM, YF1BUS) who give me eiger to do more as an amateur radio, and ORLOK Kabupaten Bogor who give me the trigger to do so. “There are secret opportunities hidden inside every failure. Never stop learning because the universe never stop teaching”. GL, 73!