“5 October 2020 honored to receive (first) honorary callsign. Never imagined finally got it too; 23 November 2020 first QSO FT8 mode. Just happy to see strange callsigns outside YB-land (😁); 16 January 2021 invited by OM Budi Santoso (YE1AR) to join YBDXPI with an initial 26 confirmed QSO with LoTW member (just understood what DXCC is and what is QSO confirmed, a week after); 10 February 2021, received 100 DX entities. February 18, 2021 received a cool plaque certificate from YBDXPI, as a sign of DXCC president (YE1AR); That means I get dxcc within only 2.5 months (Yesss!!! I can!… sure you can do too).
Hope this plaque received can be transmitted to members of the local ORARI and Jambi area whose activities have been vacuumed for a long time. Hope YBDXPI never gets bored guiding its members to keep going. Thanks om Budi Santoso and Bravo YBDXPI, YBLand DXing Passion Is!”