CQ DX Marathon YBDXPI Plaque

The CQ DX Marathon is designed to promote DXing activity throughout the year. Credit is given for contacts on all ham bands (160-6 meters) including those not normally used for contesting (60, 30, 17 & 12 meters)
The CQ DX Marathon plaque for DX Club available since 2022. YBDXPI is the holder for 2022 and 2023.

YBDXPI is the one and only for DX Club Category

bagi peserta CQ DX Maratahon, yang mencantumkan YBDXPI sebagai nama club, berhak mendapatkan Plakat replika dengan Harga Terjangkau
CallSign masing2 peserta sebagai apresiasi terpampang. Bahan kayu 25*20cm, tulisan pada plat kuningan.
Silahkan hubungi YE1AR

Many Thanks for Support  YBDXPI 🙏🙏

“Keep High Spirit For New Entity”

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