YBDXPI (YBLand DXing Passion Is), a club or community of Radio Amateur Members which was formed on August 29, 2018. Initiated by an Indonesian Amateur Radio activist, Budi Santoso, a YE1AR callsign user.
On the basis of the desire to share knowledge which includes, DXing, Amateur Radio Contests, Homebrew Experiments (homemade), and others to fellow Amateur Radio Members who have the same interests, YE1AR created a group on the chatt application (WhatsApp) under the name YBLand DXing Passion Is.
The main purpose of YBDXPI is to share knowledge or good and correct communication procedures with various entities. Not only that, this group also encouraged Radio Amateur Members to be able to get an award in the form of DX Century Club (DXCC) from The American Radio Relay League (ARRL).
‘Keep High Spirit for New Entity’, tagline and motto of YBDXPI, which represents a form of concern for Radio Amateurs Members in Indonesia.
The group, which was formed on the basis of kinship, is expected to be of benefit to all amateur radio activists. Both individually and in groups. Of course, it is also a gathering point for hobbyists and users of Amateur Radio frequencies wherever they are.
YBDXPI hopes that in the future, a new DXer will be born and a contestant who is reliable, professional and with integrity. Of course, maintaining the continuity of the regeneration process than the Amateur Radio Members in Indonesia.
Good DX, de President YBDXPI
Honorary Member